Have you always wanted to learn more about your new digital camera or are you interested in becoming more proficient in your photography?? TAKE YOUR TIME to execute the photograph that you INTEND to take. Need a little help? Then take a couple of workshops with a professional if you can find one willing to take a few moments to show you! Can't find one or don't know where to go?? Well NOW YOU HAVE!!
Professional Photographer, J. Scott Kelly of Island Images Professional Photography Studio, Inc. has a new location in Vero and is now offering various photographic workshops for those interested in photography. These sessions are designed to teach you the basics of your camera, lenses, and other photographic equipment, as well as artistic composition and format.
Other more complex workshops will also be offered to more serious amatuers who are interested in basic studio lighting and equiptment along with hands on workshops that take you into the field to photograph various genres such as seascapes, landscapes, floral and fauna, as well as NIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY!
Workshops & Classes: