
NIGHT LIGHTS " MARCH Light Painting" Mar. 24, 2010

©2010 J. Scott Kelly

 Lot's of fun shooting! Many ideas and experimenting! Looking forward to the results!
Let's keep up on trying various settings and light sources.  
J. Scott Kelly

 Great sharing creative light and camera ideas. 
         Roger T. Sobkowiak

©2010 Sandra Moruzzi

 It was really good fun....this was my first time doing this night painting & I loved it. Started off abit rough but got in to it by the end of the night. I think I have to do some homework before the next one as I didn't come prepared with tools or please can we have another????!!!!! :-) Thanks Janice for the sparklers & Nancy for the help!!! 

Helen Charlton 

©2010 Helen Charlton
 ©2010 Ron Nelson

 Fun time! Good pictures! Learned some new techniques! Met new friends!! 
Ron Nelson
 Very fun with everyone experimenting with their lights...... 
Carolyn Schafer 
 It was fun sharing my little experience of light painting with friends who haven't tried it before and seeing what they come up with. 
Janice Reynolds