Cracker Boy Boat Works is a working boat yard in Fort Pierce that has everything from newly restored boats to boats that were in complete disrepair due to damage during the past hurricanes. This offered us a huge variety of color and texture to photograph. It allowed everyone to get creative and focus on details or the big picture.
© Robin DeLuca |
"It was my first photo "Adventure Walk" with this group
(and actually, this is the only "Group" I've joined in my lifetime. I had one of
the best times I've had in a long time." -Robin DeLuca
© Nancy True |
"It was nice to re-visit a place a second time. The
weather was pleasant and it was nice to see so many on a summer shoot." -Nancy True
© Roger T. Sobkowiak |
"Good to go back to same location...every now and see if one can find new shots/angles/subjects. Plenty of
things to shoot...and plenty of room to work around the subjects. We got there
early...before the sun heated things shooting from 8-10 worked. Always fun to see what everyone came up
with." Roger T. Sobkowiak
© Janice Reynolds |
"I love all the textures and colors! There was a lot of inspiration around the boat yard!" -Janice Reynolds
© Carolyn Shafer |
"The boat yard was filled with boats in various stages of
repair or disrepair, many opportunities for photos." -Carolyn Shafer
© J. Scott Kelly |