
OLD FLORIDA-Train Trestle in Melborne

“ Good spot, great weather, wonderful company, lots to shoot............ ”

Carolyn Shafer

“ This was my first Photo walk so I had a really exciting time. I took lots & lots of pictures & I got a few good ones I liked but definately need MORE practice. Thank you to Boris for lending me his tripod, I really appreciated that...I would definately have struggled without it. It was lovely to meet everyone. ”

Helen Charlton

“ THANKS TO ALL the members that showed up for the outing! I believe we will come up with some EXCITING images! I also THANK all the members that continue to rate the meetings and give your input. It helps me to taylor the outings to everyone and it helps new members joining see what individuals think about the different outings!! I am taking note.... I will try to schedule a few more outings earlier for the members that don't enjoy the DARK, but you NIGHT DWELLERS don't worry, there will also be MORE outings that will "LIGHT UP THE NIGHT"

J. Scott Kelly